Membership Application

Membership Options


Please select the appropriate member type you wish to join as. According to LVGA's bylaws, the first year's dues of new members joining LVGA at the time other than the first of the year shall be prorated according to the following schedule:
Members Join During Proration Schedule
January, February or March Full Annual Dues Payable
April, May or June 3/4 Annual Dues Payable
July, August or September 1/2 Annual Dues Payable
October, November or December 1/4 Annual Dues Payable


ATTN DEVICE OWNERS: You must pay regular and PAC membership dues if you are a device owner. This applies to regular and amusement & music operator memberships.

Please remit a separate check to:
FAIR PAC, 218 Laurel St., Baton Rouge, La. 70801

Regular Members: $150  x _________ number of truck stops = $____________
Regular Members: $25 x _________ number of 3-machine locations = $________
Amusement & Music Operator Members: $250.00

Membership Type Details  
Membership Options